Determine The Reading Level Of A Document In Word For Mac

2020. 3. 22. 21:09카테고리 없음

  1. Determine The Reading Level Of A Document In Word For Mac Download

I assume this is happening when you start a new document? If that is correct, open Word and then select File Open and navigate to this file /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/Normal.dotm (the is your user name). With the Normal.dotm now open as a file, set the zoom level the way you would like it. Then type a word on the page and delete it. This will make Word reset its document save switch. Save the document and quit Word completely. When you restart Word everything should be fine.

Determine The Reading Level Of A Document In Word For Mac Download

Hope this helps Richard V. Michaels Provides free AuthorTec add-ins for Mac-Office and Win-Office.